MH Mediation

Mid-Hudson Divorce Mediation Logo

Why Mediation Works

The goal of mediation is to arrive at a fair and equitable agreement that is acceptable to both parties. In any dispute, and particularly in the case of divorce, it is invariably true that the people involved are the ones best able to make intelligent decisions about their own lives. MH Mediation create an environment where parties can be heard, where communication is improved, and where underlying concerns can be addressed.

Settlements that are created with full participation, in face-to-face negotiations, are more likely to satisfy the needs of both parties, and to be honored in the future.

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Learn about Divorce in free workshop on zoom: DIVORCE 101 WEBINAR:  What are the differences between mediation, collaboration and litigation?  Open to the Public. Free of charge. Thursday, July 25, 2024 at 4:00 pm. Call or email us to reserve a spot.RSVP Today