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Why a Prenup Makes More Sense Than You Might Have Thought

February 25, 2024

Making sure you’re on the same page financially before getting married We’ve posted before about prenuptial agreements (Brett Jones’s 2-part series in October 2018) but not from the perspective discussed here. Today we’ll look at prenups primarily from a financial perspective.  Let’s start with the … Read More »

Age 29 Health Insurance Coverage Law

December 28, 2023

Prospective divorcing parties in New York need to know about its “Age 29 Law.” This law permits young adults to continue or obtain coverage under a parent’s policy through the age of 29. To qualify for the “Age 29” law, a young adult must:  Be … Read More »

Statements of Net Worth

July 18, 2023

This blog is a sequel to one that I wrote in February 2023 entitled “How to Organize Your Finances and Documents.”  That post can also be found on this website. In that prior post I stressed the importance of locating, identifying, and understanding the income … Read More »

Gray Divorce — How It’s Different

June 18, 2023

One in four divorces occurs between spouses over the age of 50. “Gray divorce” differs from divorces between younger people, who have more opportunity to rebuild their asset base post-divorce. Kiplinger’s Retirement Report for May, 2023, has an article which counsels that older adults considering … Read More »

Trusts in Divorce

June 18, 2023

This post is about the intersection of divorce proceedings and legal instruments known as trusts. A trust places certain assets of the person who creates the trust (called a settlor) in the hands of a trustee, who is obligated to manage the assets in accordance … Read More »

Modifications: Going Back to Court

April 16, 2023

Change happens.  That’s one of the few certainties of life.  So what happens when your life changes in a way that requires a modification of a divorce judgment, custody order, or support order?  The answer may seem straightforward, but the details of any given case … Read More »

How to Organize Your Finances and Documents

February 18, 2023

In a divorce case – whether in court or not – the parties, the attorneys and the court must know the incomes and assets of both spouses. They need to know what assets exist and how much they are worth. This is because marital assets … Read More »

Considering Divorce? Strategic Planning may result in better outcomes

January 29, 2023

Whether you are thinking of litigation or mediation for your divorce, there are considerations that, in an ideal world, you would look at before deciding when and how to proceed. It’s important to review these considerations with an experienced attorney, a professional who can help … Read More »

Nobel Peace Prize Nomination to IACP Shines Spotlight on Hudson Valley Lawyers

December 7, 2022

The International Association of Collaborative Professionals (IACP) has been nominated for the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize. The nomination cites IACP’s efforts in transforming the way families resolve conflict around the world by offering an alternative to litigation, a conflict resolution model called Collaborative Practice, or … Read More »

Uncontested Divorce Available with Mediated Agreement

May 6, 2022

Once a Separation Agreement is signed, if the participants agree to proceed with an uncontested divorce, Lazar Schwartz & Jones LLP  can prepare the uncontested divorce paperwork, as a third-party neutral professional, on behalf of one of the participants, upon written and informed consent of … Read More »

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